Saturday, September 17, 2011

Building with Strings

Imagine being a bird on the terrace of a building and tied to strings. You want to fly but u cant ! You are tied to different string coming from different floors of the building...there are some from 1st floor, some from 3rd  and some from 5th floor and some from the terrace itself..
what do you feel ?
suffocated ? help less ?
This is the story of our life !
The strings are mental blocks that have accumulated all our we grow old...the ones from smaller floors are the blocks (fears, inferiroty complexes, irrational beliefs) that we got when we were young and higher floors are more recent ones and easier to break away..
whats the solution ?
Go floor by floor to look at the strings and break them untill you reach the ground floor and find very old and deep subconcious beliefs that have made you do things u never wanted to !
As each string breaks you feel relieved and bliss ful and ligter...come back on terrace and you will feel more free with lesser strings and when all strings break you will be a free bird !
Go find your strings and break them NOW !

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